Monday, June 29, 2009

League Week 10 Scenario: 6/30 @ Ancient Wonders

Scenario: Sailing from Tortuga
Privateer: Admiral G.S.H. MacGuffin
Venue: Ancient Wonders - Tualatin, OR
Time: 6/30/09 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Build Total - 60 points
Gold - 20 pieces totaling 50 points
Islands - 3
Terrain - 3

- Tortuga is a mega-island (provided by the privateer) located in the center of the play area.
- Build your fleet (ships and crew) for 60 points.
- Dock a minimum of 45 points of your fleet at Tortuga.
- Ships docked at Tortuga are considered "safe" and may not be shot at.
- At the beginning of the game, you "own" only one ship (up to 15 points, including crew) of your fleet which sails from your home island. Your PC crew *must* start aboard this ship.
- "Around the World" is in play. Your ship(s) may sail off one edge of the table and back onto it on the opposite side.
- You must "buy" your additional crew and ships from Tortuga with gold found on wild islands.
- 1 gold point = 1 build point and must be carried to and redeemed at Tortuga.
- Gold used for buying crew and ships is removed from the game.
- Change will not be made.
- Generic crew are faction/nation neutral.
- Gold (on home islands and ships) wins the game.
- All abilities that alter the initial point cost/build (+5 pts to build, crew cost -1 each, etc.) can be used for ships waiting at Tortuga, but NOT on first 15 point ship and crew that sail from your home island.

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