Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Season 2 Standings!


We're six weeks into Season 2 of the PDXYAR League, which marks the official half-way point. From here on out, you can find weekly updated standings posted here. Each ranked score listed below has two categories: Ranked Gold and Total Gold.

Ranked Gold is a player's overall gold amount minus their lowest four scoring weeks. This is used to establish official rankings.

Total Gold includes gold accumulated by a player throughout all weeks of the season. This count is used only in the instance of a tiebreaker.

PDXYAR League Season 2 Rankings
(updated through week six)

Now, some of you scallywags might be needin' a refresher on what exactly is at stake this Season. The overall winner of Season 2 (the pirate with the highest Ranked Gold score) will assume ownership of the PDXYAR League trophy, in all its skullduggerous glory!

In addition to this righteous symbol of piratical dominance, the following prizes will also be awarded:
  • First Place: sealed box (36 count) of Pirates of the South China Seas booster packs
  • Second Place: 1/2 sealed box (18 count) of Pirates of the Crimson Coast booster packs
  • Third Place: Pirates of Davy Jones Curse board game & Pirates of Mysterious Island gift box
That should be enough to re-whet yer collective beaks!

See you all in Week 7...


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